Saturday, October 2, 2010

What the CRAP???

Teaching is hard! There is so much more to being a teacher than classroom management and lesson plans and grading.
The politics of a school...gosh.
It's not enough to just be a good teacher. I feel like an entirely different person the moment I enter my school.

I am no longer me.
I am Miss Cobabe: Social Studies Teacher.

I am expected to know so much, and I am so impressed with myself when the rights answers seem to fall out of my mouth. Where the heck did I get so smart?! 

My students like to tell me every day that they love me. What a little confidence booster that is each hour! 

However, it seems like I should have had to work harder for this. But its not hard to have your students love you. And its not hard to love all your students. 

I LOVE MY STUDENTS! They are just so easy to love, because they love me and my subject. They want to do their best.