Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Future of Education

Today it hit me.
I am the one that will be teaching all these youngsters their history and teaching them to say, "Guten Tag! Ich heiße ______(insert name here)"
What kind of parent is going to entrust me with their child's brain? I could be teaching a whole lot of trash, and they wouldn't be the wiser. Really, when you think about it, teachers have a lot of control over what goes on in the world. If it weren't for teachers, everyone would be a whole lot dumber.
Fortunately, I love teaching! I get so excited to go out and teach young people. I sit in class and figure out how I would teach my students the concepts that my professors are teaching me. My dream is to teach a World History class. My students would learn about all different types of culture throughout the world. The assignment for the semester is to learn about a country that you would love to go visit. And part of the assignment would be to become a pen pal with another student from that country. I think that learning about someone else's culture through them is the most amazing concept.
And fortunately for all those parents out there, I won't be filling their kid's brains with fluff. The concepts that are learned in history are applicable to every day problems. I plan to make history exciting!
I recently watched Dead Poet's Society. This is one of the most amazing movies, EVER! There is one line in that movie that will stick with me always. Professor John Keating says:
"I always thought the idea of education was to learn to think for yourself."
This is the entire purpose to education. Students aren't supposed to just come to class everyday and learn what the teacher has prepared for them. Education is to teach students to think for themselves. It is to get them curious about the world around them, and help them to figure out how to think for themselves. What kind of world would we live in if we didn't have thinkers. If no one ever thought about things, and just went on with life, what a sad world we would live in.